To Retain Oncology Nurses, Offer Grief Resolution

As a career, oncology nursing is rewarding, but it involves frequent care of patients at the end of life.

Targeted Drug Shows Potential in Solid Tumors and Brain Metastases

Controversial Cancer Screening Guidelines Can Help Nurses Start the Screening Conversation

The con­tro­versy over prostate can­cer screen­ing guide­lines heated up last Novem­ber

Find Out How Simulation Is Used in Chemotherapy Education and Competency Measurement

As the range of diag­noses on medical-​​surgical units becomes more com­plex

Session Helps Take the Mystery Out of Colon Cancer Genetics

When Patri­cia Kelly, DNP, APRN, CNS, AOCN®, research/​evidence-​​based prac­tice facil­i­ta­tor and genomics con­sul­tant at Texas Health Pres­by­ter­ian Hos­pi­tal Dal­las, pre­sented a genet­ics ses­sion.

Enhance Nursing Practice and Patient Care by Fostering Wellness and Self-​​Healing for Nurses

Fos­ter­ing Well­ness and Heal­ing at Work

ONS Clinical Lectureship Recipient Talks About New Treatment Options for Renal Cancer

Since 2005, seven new targeted therapies have been approved for renal cell carcinoma

Risk of Miscarriage Is Increased for Nurses Handling Chemotherapy

A recent major study has found the rate of spontaneous abortion in nurses who handle chemotherapy drugs to be twice that of nurses who did not handle the drugs.

Past studies have reported similar results, but this study, a partnership between the National Institute for Occupations Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Nurses’ Health Study 2, looked at pregnancy outcome and occupational exposures retrospectively from 8,461 participants in the Nurses’ Health Study 2.

Chemotherapy Administration in Non-Oncology Settings

What has long been a role solely of oncol­ogy nurses is now being per­formed by nurses around the hos­pi­tal:

Prevent the Spread of Disease and Illness

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