Smoking and Animal-Based Diets Are Leading Lifestyle Cancer Risk Factors in New Study

A new international study reported in Nutrients has found that certain lifestyle factors—specifically, eating diets high in animal products and smoking—have the strongest association with cancer rates compared to other risk-modifying factors.

The Case of the Lateral-Limb Lymphedema

Sally is a 62-year-old woman who had a mastectomy for stage IIB left-sided breast cancer. She had preoperative chemotherapy followed by the mastectomy, at which time she also had a prophylactic simple mastectomy of her right breast. She completed postsurgical radiation therapy six months ago and is in for a routine follow-up appointment.

U.S. Survey Reports Oral Chemotherapy Practice and Safety Patterns

As chemotherapy administration has shifted from IV delivery in the infusion center to oral delivery at home, so has the burden for the five rights of medication administration.

Cancer's Infectious Counterpart

For patients with cancer, it’s hard to believe any health condition could be scarier or deadlier than the tumor cells in their bodies. But infection—whether from compromised immune systems or cancer treatment itself—is a life-threatening safety issue many patients may face.

No Ordinary Pill

Oral agents are changing oncology treatment, and along with it, who’s responsible for the safety of those treatments. “With oral agents, the onus is now primarily on patients and their caregivers,” says ONS member Kathy Leifeste. This is quite a shift from the nurse-administered IV chemotherapy and biotherapy we’ve grown accustomed to.

Have the Moral Courage to Do the Right Thing

Businessman W. Clement Stone opined, “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.”

ASH Recommends Wise Choices for Five Hematologic Tests and Treatments

A new list of evidence-based recommendations from the American Society of Hematology helps patients and providers understand which hematology-related tests and treatments pose significant harm and cost if overused and therefore should be avoided.

Yoga May Help Survivors Manage Side Effects of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer symptoms and side effects often persist in patients as they transition to the survivorship period, resulting in increased stress, poorer functional status, lower quality of life, and higher mortality. However, emerging evidence suggests that yoga can help patients with cancer and other chronic illnesses manage symptoms.

What Is Your Level of Genetic and Genomic Competence?

As a child, I was fascinated by Gregor Mendel’s experiments with peas. In those days, dominate or recessive genes were touted as being responsible for eye color and other genetic characteristics passed from parent to offspring. Today we know so much more.

Intestinal Bacteria Increases Effectiveness of Chemotherapy

A new study reported in Science suggests that some chemotherapy works more effectively with the help of intestinal bacteria.