Create Meaningful Metrics for Safety and Quality of Care
Lately, an increased focus on quality and patient safety has evolved, and various healthcare organization have developed metrics specifically related to the care of patients with cancer. However, the increase in quality and safety metrics can be overwhelming.
Spread Awareness on Melanoma Monday
On one of the first warm spring days in St. Louis, I came home and found my active dog, Maggie, sound asleep and enjoying the warmth of the sun. Like many humans, she was taking pleasure in a beautiful day and found it relaxing. As the summer approaches, many will spend much more time outside. Despite the inviting nature of a warm day, there are still hidden dangers.
Susan Schneider
May 2016
May 2016
ONS Comments on Risk Adjustment Methodology, Attends Future of Health Care Forum, Plans For End-of-Life Roundtable
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Navigating Moral Distress in the Face of Ethical Dilemmas
Do you remember that moment when you recited the Nightingale Pledge? Although antiquated in language, the modified Hippocratic Oath, written in 1893, still rings true in many ways today. I recall the weightiness of those words. As reiterated in the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses (2015), nurses are expected to hold those values and ethical principles in the highest regard and should afford them to all people. This is quite a responsibility for even the most seasoned nurse. Moreover, oncology nurses are often faced with issues that test ethical and moral principles.
New Treatment Approach May Be Effective for Aggressive Ovarian Cancer
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