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Moonshot Summit Set for DC in June

On May 24, 2016, the vice president held an invitation-only call on which ONS joined. The vice president announced that an in-person Cancer Moonshot Summit will be held June 29 in Washington, DC.

The ONS inPractice Resource is Your Road to CE and Oncology Certification Renewal

“Would you look at what I just discovered”, my coworker exclaimed. “ONS is offering a free trial of continuing education credits (CE) matching the Individual Learning Needs Assessment (ILNA) program requirements.” This was a welcome discovery given the challenges she'd faced when working toward renewal of her OCN. Here is her story.

ONS Member Visits Capitol Hill for Lymphedema Treatment Act

From April 18–20, 2016, I had the honor of advocating for the Lymphedema Treatment Act (LTA). As part of an annual effort on Capitol Hill, we lobbied the U.S. House of Representatives legislation H.R. 1608, along with a companion U.S. Senate bill, S. 2373, that provides coverage of lymphedema garments under Medicare.

HHS Names New AHRQ Director to Head Agency

On May 2, 2016, the HHS announced the appointment of Andrew Bindman, MD, as the new director of AHRQ.

Radiation Plus Chemotherapy Improves Survival From Low-Grade Gliomas

A new study has shown that patients with grade 2 gliomas who are treated with radiation therapy plus a combination of chemotherapy have better survival than patients treated with radiation alone. The findings were published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Nurse Takes Helm at NIH National Library of Medicine

NIH Director Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., announced the appointment of a new NLM head, Patricia Flatley Brennan, RN, PhD.

NCI Opens Online Platform to Submit Ideas for Cancer Moonshot

Since the announcement of the National Cancer Moonshot, there have been great ideas abound. But how do you get them to the right people who can best direct federal funding for cancer research? The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has helped streamline the process by creating a new online platform for submitting ideas to the Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP).

ONS Member Attends OVAC Hill Day; Celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day; NAM, Others Convene For Progress Meeting

ONS works diligently to keep oncology nurses at the forefront of policy decisions in the United States. Find out more about what ONS is doing in Washington, DC through our Capitol Roundup.

Board Begins Work on Newly Approved Bylaw Changes

Your ONS Board has been evaluating the recommendations from the organizational assessment performed last year. From those recommendations, new bylaws were proposed for the structure of the Board and for transitioning the Nominating Committee to a Leadership Development Committee.