New Edition of Palliative Care Guidelines Focus on Inclusivity, Responsibility

New Edition of Palliative Care Guidelines Focus on Inclusivity, Responsibility

Palliative care is a necessary inclusion in the care of all people with a serious illness, no matter the diagnosis or setting, and it’s the responsibility all healthcare providers, including specialty providers in oncology. The National Consensus Project (NCP) expanded on these two key tenets in its new release of the fourth edition of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care. ONS is one of 80 organizations endorsing the new guidelines.

Which RN Is Competent in Chemotherapy Administration?

Which RN is Competent in Chemotherapy Administration?

Which RN is Competent in Chemotherapy Administration?

  1. One that took a chemotherapy course online 2 years ago and recently completed their annual education.
  2. One that witnessed a chemotherapy competent nurse administer chemotherapy orally and parenterally on five separate occasions
  3. One that took a chemotherapy course offered by her hospital and completed an administration checklist with a chemo competent nurse          
  4. One who works on a unit that cares for patients receiving chemotherapy

FDA Cracks Down on Vaping Pods Because of High Nicotine Levels in Young Users

FDA Cracks Down on Vaping Pods Because of High Nicotine Levels in Young Users

In September 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued more than 1,100 warning letters and fines to retailers and issued 131 fines for selling vaping pod products to minors. The agency also told manufacturers that the industry has 60 days to provide a plan to limit underage access to these products or face penalties.

FDA Approves Pembrolizumab in Combination With Chemotherapy for First-Line Treatment of Metastatic Squamous NSCLC

FDA Approves Pembrolizumab in Combination With Chemotherapy for First-Line Treatment of Metastatic Squamous NSCLC

On October 30, 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved pembrolizumab (Keytruda) in combination with carboplatin and either paclitaxel or nab-paclitaxel as first-line treatment of metastatic squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

An Oncology Nurse’s Primer on the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

An Oncology Nurse’s Primer on the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act

When Senator John McCain (R-AZ) passed away in August 2018 from aggressive glioblastoma just one day after his family announced he stopped treatment, it put a poignant highlight in Washington on a need of which oncology nurses are far too aware: palliative care and hospice. Ideally, palliative care begins at the time of a cancer diagnosis and is aimed at managing symptoms throughout the cancer journey. Hospice begins when a patient’s prognosis is six months or less, yet in most cases, as McCain’s illustrates, patients begin hospice far too close to death. Many point to a lack of awareness and education—for patients and the public as well as oncology nurses and other palliative care providers.

How ONS Contributes to the Value of Healthcare Coalitions

How ONS Contributes to the Value of Healthcare Coalitions

ONS, like so many membership organizations with dedicated healthcare interests, oils the gears that move the public policy machine forward. Each shift represents another opportunity for success. One such tactic is working in coalitions, and ONS is a vital member of health advocacy groups in Washington, DC, usually as the only nursing society at the table.

Chapters and Practice-Specific Topics Were on Board Agenda for August

Chapters and Practice-Specific Topics Were on Board Agenda for August

ONS chapters, endorsed recommendations and guidelines, and the role of nurses caring for patients with cancer topped the ONS Board of Directors’ discussion topics during its August 2018 conference call meeting.

When ONS Speaks, People Listen

When ONS Speaks, People Listen

As this important midterm election approaches, my hope is that all ONS members recognize the importance of raising our collective voices as we elect our next leaders at the local, state, and federal level on November 6. In the words of former First Lady Michelle Obama, “It is more important than ever that we show up to vote, not just this year, but every year and in every election. Every voice must be heard, and every vote must be counted.”

Lower Drug Prices; Democrat Dealmakers; Republicans Support Medicare Expansion

Lower Drug Prices; Democrat Dealmakers; Republicans Support Medicare Expansion

Fighting the cost of soaring prescription medications is a winning issue with tremendous bipartisan support. And reigning in exorbitant drug prices means patients will be the real winners. Recently, President Trump lauded his administration’s work to fight against high prescription drug costs, citing new efforts to reduce other countries from taking advantage of drug pricing.

Oral Adherence With Nerlynx® (Neratinib) Tablets: Conversation With an Expert, Part 2

Oral Adherence With Nerlynx® (Neratinib) Tablets: Conversation With an Expert, Part 2

This is the third in a series detailing some of the general factors to consider around patient adherence to oral medications, and ways to support patients receiving neratinib.