The Fitzpatrick Classification System Determines How Much UV Protection Is Needed to Prevent Sun Exposure

Fitzpatrick Classification System

The Fitzpatrick Classification System Determines How Much UV Protection Is Needed to Prevent Sun Exposure

True or False?

Surprise Billing Legislation; Drug Pricing Reform Stalls; GOP's ACA Repeal

Surprise Billing Legislation; Drug Pricing Reform Stalls; GOP's ACA Repeal

Surprise medical bills—a long-time problem for patients and consumers—was not on the legislative radar until recently. In short order, the issue has quickly moved through the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the most powerful on Capitol Hill, to offer some hope for consumers. Part of the committee’s mark up added an amendment allowing for arbitration to address specific medical charges if hospitals disagreed with the agreed-upon rate. Some committee members felt that without it, providers would have limited recourse in special circumstances.

Educational Integrity Is an ONS and ONCC Priority, Evident in Revised Policy

Educational Integrity Is an ONS and ONCC Priority, Evident in Revised Policy

Leadership, integrity, inclusion, and diversity were common threads in several discussions during the ONS Board of Directors’ conference call on May 21, 2019. In addition to finalizing plans for their participation in the Leadership Think Tank, which will be held on July 22–23, 2019, the Board made the following decisions and approvals. 

Tobacco 21 Gets Federal Boost

Tobacco 21 Gets Federal Boost

In February 2019, the U.S. Surgeon General declared the rise of youth vaping was the latest epidemic facing the American public. Reversing a two-decades-long trend of declining smoking rates among underage smokers, e-cigarette use and vaping have become commonplace among children younger than 18.

Continued Conversation Shows That Nurses Need More Genetics Education

Continued Conversation Shows That Nurses Need More Genetics Education

During the  44th Annual ONS Congress in April 2019, some sessions featured a Continuing the Conversation event following the main session. As a speaker, this might have been the best part for me. It was filled with unexpected, wonderful surprises and great conversations with oncology nursing colleagues.

America’s Old Tobacco Business Reignites as a New Industry

America’s Old Tobacco Business Reignites as a New Industry

America’s love affair with tobacco has a long and sordid history. As automated machines ushered in a new age of modernization in the early 20th century, cigarettes were readily available as never before. Although some in the temperance movement believed tobacco products were the gateway to alcohol and drug abuse, by the 1930s and 1940s, physicians were touting cigarettes as almost a healing treatment that calmed the nerves and desensitized the body with positive effects. 

High Fitness Linked to Lower Risk and Mortality in Lung and Colorectal Cancers

High Fitness Linked to Lower Risk and Mortality in Lung and Colorectal Cancers

Adults with the highest cardiorespiratory fitness levels have a reduced risk for lung and colorectal cancer—and a lower risk of death if they do develop the cancers, according to findings from a study published in Cancer.

The Case of the Explicit Exposure

The Case of the Explicit Exposure

Mr. Larsen presents to the clinic for his first dose of R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin hydrochloride, vincristine sulfate, and prednisone) for a diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Elizabeth, his oncology nurse, just started the cyclophosphamide when she is paged to the desk for a call from Mr. Larsen’s oncologist. She quickly removes her face shield and gloves as she hurriedly leaves the room to take the call. After completing the call, she returns to Mr. Larsen’s room to remove her gown.  

PCHETA in the Senate; Armed Forces Tobacco Use; Drug Pricing Executive Order

PCHETA in the Senate; Armed Forces Tobacco Use; Drug Pricing Executive Order

An ONS priority bill, the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) emphasizes how providers are educated and trained in palliative care, enabling them to provide a higher level of care to their patients. PCHETA legislation—and its reception on Capitol Hill—has evolved from being misinterpreted as training providers to hasten death to a true understanding that palliative care is patient-centered care, and it provides patients and their family members with further treatment options, symptom management resources, and quality of life. In a display of bipartisanship, Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) reintroduced PCHETA legislation to the Senate floor for consideration.

Which Tumor Marker Can Be Used to Assess Stage, Prognosis, Response to Treatment?

Which Tumor Marker Can Be Used to Assess Stage, Prognosis, Response to Treatment?

Which tumor marker can be used to assess stage, prognosis, response to treatment in germ cell tumors, lymphoma, melanoma, acute leukemia, and neuroblastoma?

A. Programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1)

B. HE4

C. Cytokeratin fragment 21-1

D. Lactate dehydrogenase