Which of the Following Late Symptoms of Increased Intracranial Pressure Is Not Included in the Cushing Triad?
The Answer
The answer is C. Seizure.
Late signs of intracranial pressure that comprise Cushing triad include hypertension with a widening pulse pressure, bradycardia, and abnormal respiration. The presence of those signs indicates very late signs of brain stem dysfunction and that cerebral blood flow has been significantly inhibited. Cushing triad is a response triggered to increase arterial pressure to overcome increased intracranial pressure. When that occurs, patients are often in a comatose state.
Although partial and generalized seizures are considered late symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, they are not one of the symptoms in Cushing triad.
Factors that raise a patient’s risk for increased intracranial pressure include brain tumors, radiation to the skull, or cerebrospinal fluid circulation disorders. Read more about increased intracranial pressure and other oncologic emergencies. (https://www.ons.org/books/understanding-and-managing-oncologic-emergencies-resource-nurses-third-edition)