Board Looks at Ways to Involve More Members in Chapters

December 07, 2018

By Anne Ireland, MSN, RN, AOCN®, CENP, Director-at-Large

During the October 2018 board meeting held at the national office, the ONS Board of Directors heard reports from leadership and status reports on research and evidence-based practice work, discussed key initiatives, received an update from the Oncology Nursing Foundation, and reviewed and approved the Society’s operating budget for 2019.

Additionally, two key generative discussions focused on the ongoing implementation of ONS chapter model changes and a review and strategy session around ONS position statements.

Chapter Model

Staff provided an update on the chapters’ implementation of the changes in chapter requirements: Most chapters are successfully making the changes. The Board discussed the important role that ONS chapters have in fulfilling the ONS mission and supporting oncology nurses’ professional development at the local level. Monitoring progress of the chapter changes will continue during future Board meetings.

Position Statements

As part of its annual process, the Board reviewed the existing position statements and made no substantive changes to the process; the current format, review and revision cycle, and priority topics will remain. The group approved continuing to endorse other organizations’ position statements when the Board agrees that the topic requires an official ONS position and that they accurately reflect ONS’s position on the topic. 

 Details about the budgetary review process and 2019 financials will be covered in a future article from the ONS treasurer in early 2019. For more information about these and other topics discussed during the October 2018 Board meeting, refer to the full minutes (

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