Lower Drug Prices; Democrat Dealmakers; Republicans Support Medicare Expansion

October 29, 2018 by Chris Pirschel ONS Staff Writer/Producer, and Alec Stone MA, MPA, Former ONS Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy

Trump Says He's Taking Revolutionary Action to Lower Drug Prices

Fighting the cost of soaring prescription medications is a winning issue with tremendous bipartisan support. And reigning in exorbitant drug prices means patients will be the real winners. Recently, President Trump lauded his administration’s work (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-to-address-drug-prices-in-speech-shifting-focus-to-health-care-before-midterm-elections/2018/10/25/88e16e0a-d84b-11e8-a10f-b51546b10756_story.html?utm_term=.a02bd032525a) to fight against high prescription drug costs, citing new efforts to reduce other countries from taking advantage of drug pricing.

Making this a global purchasing issue colors the discussion in a patriotic hue, and it connects Congress with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in implementing pricing regulations for drug companies. This is another step in the president's blueprint to lower drug costs (http://send.ons.org/link.cfm?r=PaiK6-5zhDkSR0zw_2KlyA~~&pe=1YU7cWOzXHmE6R2Cy7l7n5-zElDB9Fr57qGuOZPwvC9Wn049470Ugszztw6E4c0S49COiT06bjMEh9m48yZyXw~~&t=3xUHkGkp-lA9PT0eGhknJQ~~). Although more questions than answers remain for how such a plan will be completed, some excitement surrounds the process and possibilities. As with coverage for pre-existing conditions, a candidate's position on medication costs is hugely important to American voters (http://send.ons.org/link.cfm?r=PaiK6-5zhDkSR0zw_2KlyA~~&pe=AsVsOqezM_pM7G5Hp0k1A13WyXuruJ3Y-SZcTibGgQC9ECbM_ZRn1E98_qd7RJ_780WmE2pCJCQcS8ibXtlXaw~~&t=3xUHkGkp-lA9PT0eGhknJQ~~) as the midterm elections are just over a week away. 

Democrats as Dealmakers? Where Pelosi Might Work With Trump 

Democracy is built on compromise. Despite a difficult and divisive political climate, most Americans want to see Democrats and Republicans work together (https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/22/trump-democrats-deals-congress-920063) on common issues like high prescription drug costs (https://voice.ons.org/advocacy/drug-pricing-in-ads-cancer-fertility-preservation-american-healthcare-panic), the North American Free Trade Agreement, and retirement tax law. With many pundits calling for Democrats (http://send.ons.org/link.cfm?r=PaiK6-5zhDkSR0zw_2KlyA~~&pe=IWu1XvLL3vIr94M7iaPCH5nmiryaaF60Y_fpNyUG6syd_2aqXGSXyd03zdSi5WLIysgdFlgsO3RPMVcL3KRHhg~~&t=3xUHkGkp-lA9PT0eGhknJQ~~) to take control of the House of Representatives, the Republicans will likely hold onto a slim majority in the Senate. Deals will likely have to be made to ensure any legislation passes, and bipartisan cooperation might become a reality.

Although political predictions are easy to make before an election, the problem is that many don't come to fruition. Health care and drug pricing are currently on the list of topics that might find a consensus in the future. As of now, candidates and incumbents are throwing verbal blows, but after the election both sides will be forced to reconcile differences to complete any work. Read more about what's at stake in the 2018 midterm elections (http://send.ons.org/link.cfm?r=PaiK6-5zhDkSR0zw_2KlyA~~&pe=zfQ9RoNszEe3eBnxWWPDeyW9m-fm-IbxmbJy7XkPEPqqQb8huhUiwvlvY1__R6rL9sdiVy_S9bfn1274YkD9_g~~&t=3xUHkGkp-lA9PT0eGhknJQ~~).  

Majority of Republicans Supports Medicare for All, Poll Finds

According to a new poll, 52% of Republicans said that they support Medicare expansion (https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/412552-majority-of-republicans-say-the-support-medicare-for-all-poll?userid=6232) to a single-payer system. After two years of failed GOP attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, Americans are more in tune with the healthcare debate than ever before. Three years ago, the notion of Medicare for All was laughable in most political circles. But after Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced bills for the healthcare program, each iteration saw more centrists signing onto the idea.

By explaining the issue, improving peoples' understanding about Medicare, and defining how it would provide similar coverage to private insurers, the single-payer platform has gained support (http://send.ons.org/link.cfm?r=PaiK6-5zhDkSR0zw_2KlyA~~&pe=qV6aqvi6m18_ZgfeoJ6fRXIX2Gi5_RWD9wKhnsbDn5SfzhD-fm3A9BtBCCA3D1Q-XOVAt51bihlElyA0AIb0AA~~&t=3xUHkGkp-lA9PT0eGhknJQ~~)—even from Republicans. Even with a divided Congress, some form of this program may take shape next year. For ONS, access to quality care (http://send.ons.org/link.cfm?r=PaiK6-5zhDkSR0zw_2KlyA~~&pe=egEtIF_USlfbQxKmp9UN_l6pTUv-4jU3vCggJMykvwfahSzTfvLS4zL-dzyJBKSQvTytT_kHQswMqFfek7XZsQ~~&t=3xUHkGkp-lA9PT0eGhknJQ~~) is a key priority in the Society's advocacy efforts, and oncology nurses play an important role in providing education to lawmakers and a voice for their patients (http://send.ons.org/link.cfm?r=PaiK6-5zhDkSR0zw_2KlyA~~&pe=rKR0ROvExgrmAE7TBE-JEXyGB8McU0adPqk80kqgsZ93IgAImkG8q9AszuoH-mof0l1iS3YWc7IBLmOBwO26Sw~~&t=3xUHkGkp-lA9PT0eGhknJQ~~).  

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