Board Continues to Align ONS to Meet Changing Member and Healthcare Needs

May 10, 2018 by Kay Harse MS, RN, AOCN®, Treasurer, ONS Board of Directors

To meet the ONS mission as well as 501(c)(6) organization requirements, ONS’s key categories of revenue and expenses continue to focus on providing member and educational services, such as website resources, online and journal-related continuing nursing education, and publications that support oncology nurses and quality patient care.

Treasurer’s Report

Because cancer care changes quickly, oncology nurses need to be aware of new treatments, interventions, and technologies, and ONS’s financial priorities focus on that. ONS’s clinical efforts, under the leadership of the chief clinical officer, are dedicated to delivering guidelines and current evidence-based practice to oncology nurses to transform cancer care and improve quality of life. A positive member experience is crucial for engaging and retaining a diverse membership, and the chief experience officer is leading efforts that target the needs and improve the membership experience. The new Washington, DC-based ONS Center for Advocacy and Health Policy, under the leadership of ONS’s chief strategy officer, provides advocacy for patients, our organization, and the nursing profession through interaction with legislators throughout the year.

Other ONS Board Work

The ONS Board of Directors began work on the ONS 2019–2021 strategic plan during the February 2018 board meeting using a foresight process centered on future trends in health care, oncology, the nursing profession, ONS membership, and the external environment. The new strategic plan will ultimately help drive future budget preparation.

Each year, an outside company provides a comprehensive audit of the ONS, Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation, and ONS Foundation financials. The ONS Audit Committee met in March and approved the final 2017 report, which resulted in the organization receiving a clean opinion for the year. Year-end results will be presented at the ONS annual business meeting in May and in the ONS annual report available to members on our website.

This is my last column as ONS treasurer; it has been a privilege to serve the organization and its members. With the bylaw changes approved by the membership in 2016, the Board of Directors now selects the treasurer from directors-at-large.

Current and incoming board members are able to submit a letter of intent highlighting their skills and experience to the Board’s nominating committee, followed by an electronic ballot process. The new treasurer will take office after the annual business meeting at Congress in May 2018.

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