Oncology Nurse and ONS Member Selected to Attend Global Entrepreneur Summit in India

November 30, 2017 by Chris Pirschel ONS Staff Writer/Producer
Sangeeta Agarawal, RN, founder of Helpsy Health

In clinics across the country, oncology nurses are moving the needle when it comes to patient-centered care. They innovate, create practice change, and are the lifelines for many of their patients.

One oncology nurse and ONS member has combined her unique background in software development and health care to form a new business that aims to provide real-time practice resources to oncology nurses. In recognition of her achievements, ONS member and chief executive officer of Helpsy Health (https://helpsyhealth.com/), Sangeeta Agarawal, RN, has been selected to attend the 8th annual Global Entrepreneur Summit (GES) (https://www.ges2017.org/) in Hyderabad, India.

Together with the Republic of India, the United States has convened the 8th annual GES in Hyderabad, India, from November 28–30, 2017. This event brings together entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, and burgeoning business professionals from around the world to celebrate the importance of creating and empowering new ideas. The theme for GES in 2017 is Women First, Prosperity for All, which highlights the integral role women play as entrepreneurs, creators, and catalysts for change.

Only 1,500 entrepreneurs from more than 150 countries were selected to attended GES, and Agarawal was among the chosen attendees.

“It’s a selection from all over the country and from all sectors of business—not just health care,” Agarawal explains of the recognition. “There are a lot of people who have done great things, and a lot of start-up companies that have become much bigger than we are, so to be selected is a surprise and an honor for sure. I hope to help people realize the potential of evidence-based integrative medicine through our healthcare platform, Helpsy.”

Helpsy provides healthcare professionals with resources to address issues in patients with cancer like depression, anxiety, fatigue, and more. One of her company’s goals is to unite Eastern and Western medicine as complementary therapies to improve care provided to patients with cancer as well as their quality of life. Through the Helpsy app (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/helpsy/id1194352663?mt=8), providers can access evidence-based conventional and complementary therapies that include physical activity, acupuncture, nutrition, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, chiropractic treatment, and more.

Empowering Women Around the World

Agarawal and other U.S. attendees will be joined by advisor-to-the-president, Ivanka Trump, who will address the GES gathering. Agarawal is encouraged that the GES has chosen to focus on women who are making a difference in business and health care, and she hopes to use this opportunity to empower women to share their ideas.

“It will be great to go back to my country, where I came from, as a woman leveraging the latest in technology automation and experts in healthcare from all over the world,” Agarawal, who was born and raised in India, says. “I came from a society where I was considered property—of my dad or of my husband. That’s the way things go for many women. I never accepted that. I always fought for a feeling of empowerment for myself, and I hope that I can take that message to a larger audience so that women will take that chance to fight.”

Agarawal also wants to showcase the expertise and insights that nurses bring to the profession. She recognizes that for many investors and business professionals, they don’t see that nurses are leaders in healthcare change. She wants to change that perception.

“We need to make people aware of our scope of practice and the value we bring as nurses to the healthcare system—both in the United States and beyond,” she says. “We need to empower our own, and we need to empower our nurses to do more. That’s the message I want to bring. Nurses are leaders, and everyone needs to listen carefully to them and give them the opportunities afforded to other healthcare professionals.”

Nurses continue to make a huge impact on health care—nationally and globally. Agarawal is one of many voices working to empower nursing and advocate for quality health care for patients around the world.

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