Members Meet to Lead ONS Into the Future

June 09, 2017 by Brenda M. Nevidjon, MSN, RN, FAAN ONS Chief Executive Officer
ONS Leadership
Brenda Nevidjon, RN, MSN, FAAN, Chief Executive Officer

As Oncology Nursing Month (, May saw celebrations at the ONS 42nd Annual Congress and in our workplaces. Nurses on ONS staff enjoyed recognition and celebration of their commitment to our mission and you. They partner closely with members who volunteer their time and expertise in developing initiatives and priorities for ONS. I would like to describe a few of those initiatives and work groups that have met at the national office in the first six months of 2017.

Immuno-Oncology Think Tank

The rapidly changing treatment landscape led to an immuno-oncology think tank: 20 members and several staff came together to determine resources for ONS to develop. Currently the evidence for managing side effects of immunotherapy agents is not definitive, and experienced members brought their expert opinions to the discussion. With your April issue of the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, you received a supplement on immunotherapy that included recommendations for administration. One idea from the think tank that you will see soon are short YouTube videos that cover content in our current immunotherapy course ( Also, look for A Guide to Immunotherapy to be released in early 2018 and many other initiatives from this think tank.

Research Think Tank

Because of retirements of key staff leaders in our research department, we had an opportunity to bring in a diverse group of researchers with immediate and long-term perspectives for another think tank. The group had a combined focus of what ONS and the ONS Foundation can do to support the ongoing development of our science. Given the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative ( focus and priorities, participants proposed ways to ensure that nurse scientists have opportunities for funding. Attention to developing the next generation of nurse scientists was a key theme throughout the think tank.

Oncology Nurse Navigation Toolkit

Care coordination is a central role of nurses and oncology has diverse navigation roles, but our members are defining the oncology nurse navigator. An ONS workgroup is addressing the need for resources for new oncology nurse navigators.

ONS Chapters

The team of members and staff who reviewed our chapter model have considered various models in the context of how the ONS national office can best support the chapters. You will be hearing more about their recommendations.

ONS Board and Affiliates

The Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation is always busy with teams who are writing questions for the various exams and, this year, overseeing role delineation studies. In addition, the ONS Board and the ONS Foundation Board held meetings at the national office.

The first half of 2017 has been busy, and the time that many members took from their work and families is greatly appreciated. On behalf of all members, we thank them. Much more work is ahead of us, and more of you will have an opportunity to participate. I look forward to seeing more of you at the national office.

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