Renew Your Mind, Body, and Spirit This May While Celebrating Nurses

May 11, 2017 by Susan M. Schneider PhD, RN, AOCN®, FAAN
Susan Schneider

This year the American Nurses Association’s National Nurses Week theme was Nursing: The Balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Take time this month to establish new ways to find balance. As nurses we are taught to view the individuals we care for holistically, yet we don’t always care for ourselves with the same focus. Spring is a symbolic time to renew. Take time to learn something new, take actions to renew your spirit, and be mindful of ways to nourish your body. These actions are important for your health and for the health or those you care for.

Earlier in May, we held our annual ONS Congress in Denver, CO. The theme was Elevate Your Passion: Advance Your Profession. Congress is just one of the many ways ONS members can grow professionally and heighten their levels of care. Here are ways to promote balance for your patients and yourself.

Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses…We must be learning all of our lives.

Florence Nightingale

Finally, May is also Oncology Nursing Month. The theme for 2017 is Fearless Commitment. Endless Compassion. You provide steadfast and selfless care for your patients. This month, be sure to take a moment to focus on yourself and your colleagues. You can find ideas to celebrate the oncology nursing profession (

May is a time for enthusiasm about our profession and the future we can create to improve cancer care. Happy Nurses Week!

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