What Brings You Value in ONS? You Can Thank a Volunteer for That

December 04, 2023 by Brenda M. Nevidjon, MSN, RN, FAAN ONS Chief Executive Officer

Amid the busyness of the season’s festivities and various holiday celebrations, year-end is often a time for us to reflect on the past year and consider goals for the new year. As 2023 ends, I would like to celebrate ONS members and staff, the Oncology Nursing Foundation’s (ONF’s) donors and staff, and the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation’s (ONCC’s) certified nurses and staff. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the three corporations’ volunteer boards for their work on behalf of their stakeholders.

In November, the three boards, executive staff, and the Leadership Development Committee held their annual joint meeting with two primary objectives:

Building on the discussions and collaboration from past boards, this year’s group created action items for 2024. They respected the solid boundaries between corporations but built on the areas with no boundaries that allow for synergy and alignment. The boards’ visions open many opportunities for a collective impact on the cancer care environment.

The ONS Enterprise has many other volunteers that serve all three corporations in various capacities throughout the year, in addition to those on our boards. For example, if you are a certified nurse, you owe gratitude to ONCC Test Development Committee volunteers. If you are an ONF donor, thank your colleagues who determine academic scholarship recipients through a rigorous review process. If you attended ONS Congress® or ONS Bridge, the many volunteers who develop the program content, serve as room or chat monitors, and more all deserve your thanks.

Many other volunteers make ONS, ONF, and ONCC strong and high-performing organizations, including the Leadership Development Committee that supports and selects ONS’s future leadership, and ONS Chapters that connect members locally and promote our organizations’ missions in their communities. Thank you for your work and dedication.

On behalf of the ONS staff, we wish you all happy and healthy holidays.

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