Anthony Fauci, MD, Talks About His Legacy as He Steps Down as NIAID Director

November 02, 2022 by Alec Stone MA, MPA, Former ONS Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy

Anthony Fauci, MD, reflected on his career in government and gave insight into what he’s doing next in a statement released in August 2022 ( addressing his departure from his positions as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, and chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden. Fauci served as NIAID director for 38 years ( and held a career spanning more than 50 years in government service (

“It has been the honor of a lifetime to have led the NIAID, an extraordinary institution, for so many years and through so many scientific and public health challenges,” Fauci said ( “I am very proud of our many accomplishments. I have worked with—and learned from—countless talented and dedicated people in my own laboratory, at NIAID, at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and beyond. To them I express my abiding respect and gratitude.”

Fauci served under seven presidents ( and advised on various infectious diseases (, including HIV/AIDS, West Nile virus, Ebola, Zika, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Fauci said he doesn’t plan to retire and instead will continue use his professional experience to advance public health ( and “inspire and mentor the next generation of scientific leaders as they help prepare the world to face future infectious disease threats.” Fauci will leave his position in December 2022 (

“Over the coming months, I will continue to put my full effort, passion, and commitment into my current responsibilities, as well as help prepare the institute for a leadership transition,” Fauci said ( “NIH is served by some of the most talented scientists in the world, and I have no doubt that I am leaving this work in very capable hands. Thanks to the power of science and investments in research and innovation, the world has been able to fight deadly diseases and help save lives around the globe. I am proud to have been part of this important work and look forward to helping to continue to do so in the future.”

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