CMS Creates Enhancing Oncology Model to Drive Patient-Centered Care

August 25, 2022 by Alec Stone MA, MPA, Former ONS Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy

The model, designed ( by the CMS Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, improves ( the delivery of care and addresses health inequities by learning from patients with cancer, caregivers, and cancer survivors. Oncology practices who participate in the model provide ( enhanced services, including (,Medicare%20fee%2Dfor%2Dservice.) round-the-clock access to a provider, patient navigation services,  detailed care plan, and health-related social screenings. Patients, in turn, share ( feedback on their experience and outcomes.

“There are stark inequities in the ability of people with cancer across race, gender, region, and resources to access cancer screening, diagnostics and treatment,” Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, CMS administrator, said ( “CMS is working to advance the President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot goals in ways that help Medicare patients with cancer better navigate a challenging and often overwhelming journey. We believe EOM will incentivize participating oncology practices—including those in rural and underserved areas—to improve the provision of high quality, coordinated care that addresses patients’ social needs and improves patient and caregiver support.” 

EOM runs ( for five years, from July 2023–June 2028. The model directly supports ( the work of the Biden-Harris administration’s Unity Agenda ( and Cancer Moonshot ( initiative to improve cancer disparities, treatments, and survivorship.

Quality cancer treatment is achieved ( when healthcare providers deliver safe, efficient, and timely patient-centered care. Oncology nurses are leaders in advocating for patients’ desires, goals, and needs for cancer care, both in practice and in policy.

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