ONS Evaluates Educational Funding Landscape

August 09, 2021

During its June 10–11, 2021, meeting, the ONS Board of Directors held a joint session with the Oncology Nursing Foundation. In small group breakouts, both boards evaluated whether the Foundation’s current academic scholarship opportunities are adequate and responsive to the educational needs of the oncology nursing field. Findings from the sessions were compiled to inform additional discussion during future meetings.

Highlights from some of the other discussions and decisions follow, and ONS members can read the full meeting minutes online (https://www.ons.org/board-minutes).

Partnerships and Coalitions

The Board conducted its annual review of ONS’s partnerships and coalition relationships and approved continuing all of the existing relationships with the exception of the Pain Care Forum. It also renamed the ONS Partnership Policy as the Strategic Engagement Policy, which better reflects the purpose and desired outcomes of partner relationships.

Chapter Leadership Weekend

Because the 2021 event was canceled, the Board approved amending the current chapter charter requirement of sending at least one representative to Chapter Leadership Weekend for 2021 to instead require each chapter to have at least one chapter leader representative attend a leadership webinar live or as a recorded session by December 15, 2021. ONS staff will explore the opportunity to provide nursing continuing professional development contact hours for the presentation and make it available to all chapter members.

Core Values 

Finally, the Board approved returning inclusivity as a ONS core value (https://www.ons.org/about-ons/ons-leadership/mission-vision-and-values): “Our organization is stronger when we appreciate the diverse backgrounds and invite the diverse perspectives of our membership and staff.”

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