ONS Board Addresses Members About Racism and Disparities in Cancer Care

July 13, 2020 by Samantha Karam Former ONS Staff Writer

Dear Members,

At our June 4–5, 2020, meeting, the ONS Board discussed our personal heartbreak and anger over the death of George Floyd and other black Americans by aggressive police activity driven by racism. We also discussed ONS’s role and responsibilities as a member organization.

Although we are not ready to share a detailed plan, our discussion identified specific areas of focus as aligned with our mission, such as:

We appreciate the feedback we received about our earlier statement (https://ons.org/ons-condemns-racism) and welcome comments and suggestions from all members. The Board will be sharing more with you as we further develop specific strategies, and we hope that members will join us at the national and chapter levels to make a difference. 

We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions at onsboard@ons.org (mailto:onsboard@ons.org).


Your ONS Board of Directors

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