Think Tank Will Explore Nurse Leadership Development Initiatives

June 03, 2019 by Julie Painter RN, MSN, OCN®

On Sunday, April 14, 2019, the ONS Board of Directors held a face-to-face meeting at the end of a highly successful ONS 44th Annual Congress in Anaheim, CA. New directors took office and new plans unfolded for fostering nurse leaders and supporting ONS chapters.

New Board Members, Officers

The Board welcomed new directors-at-large Kristin Ferguson, DNP, RN, OCN®, Nancy Houlihan, MA, RN, AOCN®, and Martha Polovich, PhD, RN, AOCN®. Additionally, Ferguson started her term as ONS Board treasurer, and Heather Thompson Mackey, MSN, RN, ANP-BC, AOCN®, began as ONS Board secretary. They will serve in those roles until May 2021.

Leadership Initiative Think Tank

The Board approved a Leadership Development Committee request to convene a think tank to consider ONS leadership development initiatives. The proposed group of 7–10 key leaders will meet in July to discuss and develop an educational and operational framework for the development of resources and possible collaboration with other organizations.

ONS Chapters

Charter renewals for 215 chapters that met all or all but one of the re-chartering requirements were approved. Three other chapter charter renewals were approved contingent upon the chapters’ continued work toward meeting the new chapter model requirements. Mergers of the Golden Empire Chapter into California South Valley Chapter and the New Hampshire Seacoast Chapter into the Southern New Hampshire Chapter also were approved.

For a full overview of the meeting, refer to the minutes at (

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